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Looking to curate resources for your colleagues but don't know where to start? Look no more. Just filter through our library & playlists and pass them over.

Are you designing a workshop and don't know how the agenda could look like? We have dozens of templates for all your needs.

Interested in how others do things? There's a story full of lessons learned for everything in our library.

Just curious to learn something new for your own growth? There's no limit to what you can learn!

What can you do in the library?

Your research process has never been easier.


Explore all the resources, collections, and audio learning journeys available and save the ones you find useful for future reference.


Put together your own private or public playlists and share those you want with your peers.


Listen to diverse answers from different L&D peers who've been where you are and shared their thoughts in our audio learning journeys.


Interested in what others are exploring? Follow your peers and see what resources they like, what playlists they're building and what else they're up to.

What topics can you find in the library?

Everything about L&D and beyond.

Adult Learning
Behavior Science
Career Development
Content Curation
Culture Development
Values & Principles
Employee Handbooks
Future of work
Future of skills
Hybrid Work
Instructional Design
L&D Consultancy
L&D Marketing
L&D Strategy
L&D Technology
Leadership Development
Learning Analytics
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The Offbeat Content Library is free to use by all L&D professionals.

Copyright Offbeat 2025